Wednesday, December 09, 2015

5 storage technologies I'm thankful for

5 storage technologies I'm thankful for.  Robin Harris. Storage Bits. November 27, 2015.
     The "basis of any civilization is the storage of its culture." Previous the culture was stored by physical means, books, art and such. As this changes to digital means, there are several storage technologies that the article mentions will help preserve culture long term:
  • Data encryption. "Because digital data is easy to copy and share, we need encryption to keep what is ours, ours alone."
  • The thousand year disc. The M-disc is the "only digital media with a lifespan as good as a well produced "book.
  • Scale-out object storage. Files that can be easily accessed from multiple servers, such as cloud services.
  • Advanced archive storage. "As we collect and store more information, archiving - not backup - becomes the critical success factor."
  • Solid-state storage. This "has revolutionized mobile device and enterprise storage."

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