Friday, October 17, 2014

Safeguard the Future of Your Data: Digital Preservation Technology for the U.S. Federal Market.

Safeguard the Future of Your Data: Digital Preservation Technology for the U.S. Federal Market. Hitachi brochure. 2014.
Hitachi’s Digital Preservation Platform (HDPP) is a non-magnetic storage solution that has the ability to preserve unlimited amounts of data for decades on end with minimal migration. The projected capacity of the storage solution is 1 PB per rack by the end of 2014. Offline media is also supported.

Cost-efficiency is another factor when considering long-term preservation. Traditional archives use a migration strategy that requires regular media refreshing which has proven to be costly over time. Migration is an ongoing process that takes a significant amount of resources.

Blu-ray optical media and M-DISC media ensure longevity and compatibility across generations of technology so the data can still be accessible as formats continue to evolve. Blu-ray discs are projected to 1 TB per disc. Mdisc capability is currently at 25 GB per disc, with plans for 300 GB per disc. Brochure also includes quick specs and diagrams.

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