Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Digital Preservation Tools on Github.

Digital Preservation Tools on Github. Chris Erickson. Blog. August 2015.
     While looking for a particular tool I came across several others that look interesting. I have not yet tried them, but this is a reminder that I need to check into them. 
  • epubcheck: a tool to validate EPUB files. It can detect many types of errors in EPUB. OCF container structure, OPF and OPS mark-up, and internal reference consistency are checked. EpubCheck can be run as a standalone command-line tool or used as a Java library.
  • preservation-tools: Bundles a number of preservation tools for all file types and tools in a modular way. Includes:
    • PdfHeaderChecker (able to detect the software used to create a PDF),
    • PdfAValidator (Checks via PDFBox if a PDF/A is valid. Runs through a folder and picks out only PDF/A-files),
    • iTextRepairPdf (take a PDF-file and copies the content page-per-page to a new, PDFA1-conform PDF-file)
    • PdfToImageConverter (Converts PDF Files in a certain folder to JPEGs page-per-page)
    • PdfTwinTest (compares the two PDF line-by-line and puts out differences. This is handy for after-Migration Quality-Checking)
  • wail: Web Archiving Integration Layer (WAIL). A graphical user interface (GUI) atop multiple web archiving tools intended to be used as an easy way for anyone to preserve and replay web pages.
  • db-preservation-toolkit. The Database Preservation Toolkit allows conversion between Database formats, including connection to live systems, for purposes of digitally preserving databases. The toolkit allows conversion of live or backed-up databases into preservation formats such as DBML or SIARD, XML-based formats created for the purpose of database preservation. The toolkit also allows conversion of the preservation formats back into live systems to allow the full functionality of databases. For example, it supports a specialized export into MySQL, optimized for PhpMyAdmin, so the database can be fully experimented using a web interface.
  • DPFManager. DPF Manager is an open source modular TIFF conformance checker that is extremely easy to use, to integrate with existing and new projects, and to deploy in a multitude of different scenarios. It is designed to help archivists and digital content producers ensure that TIFF files are fit for long term preservation, and is able to automatically suggest improvements and correct preservation issues. The team developing it has decades of experience working with image formats and digital preservation, and has leveraged the support of 60+ memory institutions to draft a new ISO standard proposal (TIFF/A) specifically designed for long term preservation of still-images. An open source community will be created and grown through the project lifetime to ensure its continuous development and success. Additional commercial services will be offered to make DPF Manager self-sustainable and increase its adoption.
  • PreservationSimulation. This project is to provide baseline data for librarians and researchers about long-term survival rates of document collections. We have developed computer simulations to estimate document failure rates over a wide variety of conditions. The data from these simulations should be useful to stewards of such collections in planning and budgeting for storage and bandwidth needs to protect their collections.
  • flint.  Facilitate a configurable file/format validation. Its underlying architecture is based on the idea that file/format validation almost always has a specific use-case with concrete requirements that may differ from a validation against the official industry standard of a given format. The following are the principle ideas we've implemented in order to match such requirements.
  • excel. Regarding the second issue: how to best retain formulas and other essential components of spreadsheets, like Excel, one of our data curators, John McGrory (U of Minnesota), just published a tool in GitHub that can help. In our data repository, we use the tool each time a dataset is submitted and zip these resulting files as the "Archival Version of the Data." Download the software at http://z.umn.edu/exceltool. See also a description of what the tool does: http://hdl.handle.net/11299/171966

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