Friday, August 14, 2015

PDF/A Flyer

PDF/APDF/A Competence Center. June 18, 2015. (PDF version of the Flyer).
     PDF/A is the ISO standard for archiving electronic documents using the PDF format. It required years of cooperation between software developers, industry associations and government agencies. There are three parts to the standard which were published between 2005 and 2012. Parts 2 and 3 add options for combining several PDF/A files into one PDF/A collection, embedding the PDF’s source files or other data, support for transparency, and more.

PDF/A-2 is defined by ISO 19005, which "provides a mechanism for displaying electronic documents in such a way that the visual image is maintained over time, irrespective of the tools and systems used for their production, storage and reproduction”. It does not define an archiving strategy; instead, PDF/A specifies technical requirements for PDF electronic documents to ensure reliability after the file’s creation.

Since 2005 PDF/A has become the preferred format for archiving electronic documents. The PDF format, standardized in 2008 as ISO 32000-1, is used by many people. PDF will continue to ensure reliable access to PDF documents, making PDF ideal for long-term archiving.

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