Saturday, February 20, 2016

Avoid Jitter! Measuring the Performance of Audio Analog-to-Digital Converters

Avoid Jitter! Measuring the Performance of Audio Analog-to-Digital Converters. Carl Fleischhauer; Erin Engle. The Signal. February 19, 2016.    
     An article on audio recordings and conversion to digital files.  There are references to  a revision of a FADGI guideline (Audio Analog-to-Digital Converter Performance Specification and Test Method, Feb 2016) and an accompanying explanatory report (ADC Performance Testing Report on Project Development During 2015. Feb 2016.) Audio tapes deteriorate over time and some institutions are digitizing the files in order to save the recorded content.

Most preservation specialists recommend that the waveform be sampled 96,000 times per second (96 kHz) which will capture the “horizontal” frequency of the wave movement. To capture the amplitude, the “vertical” movement, each sample should be 24 bits long. This can be a challenge due to the many factors involved.

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