Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Data Archives and Digital Preservation

Data Archives and Digital Preservation. Council of European Social Science Data Archives. June 1, 2015.
Data Archives and Digital Preservation Data archives play a central role in research. Data is considered “the new gold”. There is increasing pressure on researchers to manage, archive, and share their datadata archives. It is important to securely store research data, and to allow researchers to reuse data in their own analyses or teaching.

Archives are much more than just a storage facility; they actively curate and preserve research data. They must have suitable strategies, policies, and procedures to maintain the usability, understandability and authenticity of the data. There are also numerous requirements from users, data producers, and funders. In the social science research data preservation and sharing, archives have the added responsibility of protecting the human subjects of the research.

The CESSDA site has many resources. Some of these are:

  • What is digital preservation 
  • OAIS 
  • Data appraisal and ingest 
  • Documentation and metadata 
  • Access and reuse 
  • Trusted digital repositories: audit and certification.

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