Wednesday, September 02, 2015

6 disaster recovery do’s and don’ts from Hurricane Katrina survivors

6 disaster recovery do’s and don’ts from Hurricane Katrina survivors. Tony Bradley. Computerworld. Sep 1, 2015.
IT leaders in and around New Orleans have shared how they maintained or resumed business operations and what the experience has taught them. Some of the items are useful for any institution:
  1. Do have a written business continuity and disaster recovery plan. Hold refresher courses on your plan and the policies. “Document your equipment, document your environment’s configuration, document all vendor contracts and support agreements [including contact information], and make sure information is accessible to more than just one or two individuals”
  2. Do have a secondary site and/or cloud-based infrastructure. you should at least have a secondary location that is geographically separate from your primary site
  3. Do partner with vendors you trust
  4. Do test your infrastructure and disaster recovery plan regularly. Evaluating any aspects of your continuity and disaster recovery plans that rely on others. It is more important than ever to have a reliable partner who can back up your IT infrastructure.
  5. Don’t have single points of failure. Use a combination of cloud, hosted and on-premises solutions to keep critical applications and data safe and accessible.

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